Andrea Leers headshot.

Andrea Leers

2024 Visiting Portman Prize Critic, Principal, Leers Weinzapfel Associates 


Andrea Leers

2024 Visiting Portman Prize Critic, Principal, Leers Weinzapfel Associates 

Principal and co-founder of Leers Weinzapfel Associates in Boston, Massachusetts, Andrea P. Leers, FAIA is an internationally recognized leader in urban, campus and civic design. A pioneer in mass timber design for academic settings, her practice is honored with over 100 international,  national, and regional design awards, including the 2007 AIA National Firm Award. A monograph on the firm’s work “Made to Measure: the Work of Leers Weinzapfel Associates was published in 2011 by Princeton Architectural Press. 

Andrea Leers is the former Director of the Master in Urban Design Program and Adjunct Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and has taught at Yale University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Virginia, and the Tokyo Institute of Technology. She was Chaire des Amériques at the University of Paris, Sorbonne, Visiting Artist at the American Academy in Rome, and NEA Japan-US Friendship Commission Fellow in Tokyo. Her recent book “Welcoming the West; Japan’s Grand Resort Hotels” was published in 2017 by JOVIS Verlag Berlin.  

Andrea is the former Chair of the Mayor’s Boston Civic Design Commission, and a member of the University of Washington Architectural Advisory Commission, and the Harvard University Design Advisory Pool. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in art history from Wellesley College, and a Master of Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Fine Arts.